Posted in Meeting

Annual Awards Bulletin

BVRC 2023 Annual Awards The end of the year is coming before we know it, and with it comes our annual December Christmas and Awards…

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Posted in Uncategorized

ATTN: NWA Winlink Users, good news!

Northwest Arkansas now has its second Winlink VHF packet gateway up and running in Rogers. We’re excited about improving our local emergency communications infrastructure, aka…

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Posted in Classroom Instruction


From left to right:   Dennis Tune – W9DCT,   Darrel Johnson – KI5NDJ,  Kathy Bromley – WQ5T,  Mike Calvi – KF5RUO,  Sharron Edmondson – KC5SKY, Jeff…

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Posted in ARRL Field Day

BVRC in the NEWS!

Field Day activities brings out the best in the club! Planning and preparation are key to make the most of Field Day, Amateur Radio’s most…

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Posted in Newsletter

July NEWSLETTER is Here!

One of the many privileges of BVRC membership is the superior newsletter, brought to us by Don Banta, K5DB. Don is a old hand at…

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Posted in ARRL On the Air

Field Day Announcement and Press Release

On behalf of the entire BVRC membership, Tom Northfell, W5XNA, Field Day Coordinator, and Jan Hagan, WB5JAN, BVRC President, would like to welcome and encourage…

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Posted in On the Air Uncategorized

3rd Annual BVRC CW Roundup

For the third year, we are pleased to announce the Bella Vista Radio Club CW Roundup. Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023Time Period: 7pm – 8pm…

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Posted in ARRL On the Air

2023 Field Day Planning well under way

At the May BVRC meeting, Tom Northfell, W5XNA, gave us a update on the plans for this year’s Field Day. We will have 4 stations…

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Posted in License Testing

New Technician Class by W5XNA

Who: Tom Northfell, W5XNA, past BVRC President and current Membership Committee Chairperson What: BVRC Technician Class License Study Sessions (entry level FCC amateur radio license)…

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Posted in On the Air

147.255 / 444.100 Repeater update

Friday March 17th at 12:00 PM Steve Werner K5SAW and myself N5KWL met at the Jane MO N5BVA repeater site. The problem we were addressing…

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