Next Club Meeting is 7:00 p.m. Thursday October 3rd, 2024.
6 pm – HAM-101 “Elmering” session for new and prospective hams
7 pm – Regular Meeting
Equipment buying/selling before and Door Prizes after the meeting
Nonmembers, guests, and the general public are welcome and encouraged to join us.
We meet monthly for informative and entertaining programs and speakers, old-fashioned ham fellowship, periodic public service projects, and a lot more. Come join a very diverse group of hams from throughout the 4-States involved in almost every aspect of the hobby. We’re the area’s largest, regionally focused, amateur radio club. And we have a place for you!
When attending our regular monthly meetings, please make sure to sign in at the front desk, get your raffle tickets, and a name badge if you are a visitor/guest.
Bella Vista Radio Club Meetings
The Executive Board of the Bella Vista Radio Club are pleased to announce the securement of a new meeting site and facility.
- When:
- The 1st Thursday of the month.
- The Elmer-101 session starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. before the regular meeting.
- Meeting begins at 7 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m.
- Where: Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy, 3424 S. Downum Rd. Springdale.
Our meetings are open to the public and you are cordially invited to attend.
You do not have to be a member to attend, however if you would like to join us, here is our Club Membership Application and Club Brochure.
Win a door prize!
Each month,
we ask our generous members to consider donating good used radios & electronic items for the meeting’s door prizes. You just might Win!
Please consider paying forward your unused radio-related items at an upcoming club meeting! Door Prizes are another great benefit of being a BVRC member!
Club Contact Info
Club Officers
President Jan Hagan – WB5JAN Email
Vice President Joe Hott – W5AEN Email
Secretary Dana Hill – W5DGH Email
Treasurer Marc Whittlesey – WØKYZ Email
Public Information Officer Tom Northfell – W5XNA Email
Technical Officer Tem Moore – N5KWL Email
Repeater Trustee Roger Dickey – KJ4QIS Email
Member at Large Tom Northfell – W5XNA Email
Appointed Chair Persons
Membership Committee Tom Northfell – W5XNA Email
VE Testing Committee Don Cooper – KC7DC Email
Emergency Communications Committee TBD
Social Media Committee Rebecca Garrett – N5REB Email
Newsletter Committee Don Banta – K5DB Email
Website Committee Roger Dickey – KJ4QIS Email
Net Committee Dana Widboom – KI5TGY Email
Elmer 911 Committee Vinson Carter – WV5C Email
Field Day Committee Tom Northfell – W5XNA Email
Hospitality Committee Bill Durham – KG5ZCI Email