Ham.Live usage with HAM 101 Net

This program will enable you and all other net members to visually monitor the Net Control Station’s operation, and enjoy these features:

  • See the call sign of new and additional check-ins as they happen in real time.
  • Have access to the “chat room” if/when you need to use it while the net is in session.
  • Be able to know when your turn for comments is coming up.
  • See the call sign of any station(s) that has had to leave the net and check-out.

Although it is not required to check into the HAM 101 net, this new program will be a handy and fun tool for all HAM 101 Net participants who wish to use it when the net is in progress.

A Ham.Live User Instruction sheet is available here that will give you full guidance on how to set up a Ham.Live account and use the website.

Enjoy, and see you on the net!