BVRC Announces the Linked Repeater System

The Bella Vista area Radio Club Dual Repeater Link System is now in operation!

Steve – K5SAW and Tem – N5KWL just finished the final adjustments of our new club linked repeater system on January 11th, 2023 in the late afternoon, and it is working perfectly and on the air!

For persons in the north coverage area, the Bella Vista Radio Club’s flagship repeater (147.255) is operating as it always has.

For persons in the south coverage area, and especially our members who are new to the hobby and may only have an HT, which is usually difficult to access the N5BVA Bella Vista 147.255 machine with, you will now be able to check-in to the Club’s weekly 7:00 p.m. Wednesday night Net quite easily through our new linked repeater, the N5BVA/Springdale machine!  (You will need a dual band HT as the new Springdale machine is a UHF repeater.)

The N5BVA Springdale repeater information is:

FREQUENCY:  444.100

OFFSET:  + 5 MHz

PL TONE:  162.2

Going forward, we hope to hear many new voices and callsigns checking-in to the BVRC Wednesday Legacy Net with the addition of the N5BVA/Springdale repeater, which will provide excellent coverage to the southern portion of the Club’s membership area. 

73 and hope to hear you on the Wednesday evening net soon!

Author: Don Banta

Don Banta - K5DB was in the transportation industry for 30 years. Don primarily enjoys DXing, contesting, attending hamfests, and helping newcomers get started in the hobby.