BVRC Website – Member Spotlight, 1st quarter 2025

James Bennett – KA5DVS

One of BVRC’s valuable members is James Bennett – KA5DVS. James resides in
Fayetteville with his lovely XYL of 33 years, Kathleen.

KA5DVS – in his home lab with assistant.

James not only has presented numerous informative and first-class programs for BVRC, he
was awarded BVRC’s 2024 Presenter of the Year at the recent annual Christmas and
awards banquet. James is also owner of Pacific Antenna, manufacturer of a plethora of kits
for the radio amateur. (For more information, go to: .)

James was first licensed when he was a high school student in 1979, making this year his
46 th year as a ham. His call sign, KA5DVS, is the original call he received when he passed
his Novice exam, and which he has kept since that time. No one else has held the call.
Here is the interview that we conducted with James for this quarter’s BVRC Member Spotlight:

BVRC: How did you get involved with amateur radio?
James: I started out with basic toy walkie talkies then progressed to CB radio. I began
learning about ham radio from my high school algebra teacher which led to my getting

BVRC: What is your favorite area of interest in amateur radio and why?
James: I am a tinkerer and experimenter by nature so I enjoy designing, building, and
experimenting with electronic circuits, radios, and antennas. In addition, I enjoy portable
operation using simple radios and antennas usually ones that I have built.

BVRC: What is your most memorable radio experience?
James: Operating from the beach in Monterey California and working stations from Japan
and Australia using an FT-817 running 5 watts SSB and my PAC-12 antenna.

BVRC: Do you have any other hobbies?
James: Motorcycling, competitive target shooting, and 3D printing.

BVRC: What equipment are you currently using in your shack?
James: I have a Yaesu FT-301S and a Drake TR-4 that are my favorite vintage radios.
In addition, My Flex 1500 and FT-857 fill in as more “modern” shack rigs and I also enjoy
operating portable using my FT-817 and/or Elecraft K2.

James also is involved in a small and informal CW group in which he serves as mentor. He
says that although its been 33 years since marrying Kathleen, and although she still has not
as yet acquired an amateur license, he’s not giving up!

James, thanks for all you do for BVRC. We are very fortunate to have great members like