With the recent linking of our N5BVA two-meter repeater in Jane, MO with the 70-meter repeater on Dodd Mountain in Springdale we now have a repeater system with far greater coverage to the south, west and east.
This expanded capability of our N5BVA repeater has provided an opportunity for our club to expand and focus our Tuesday and Wednesday BVRC net operations. For the past few weeks, a BVRC Task Force has met to determine how to best use our expanded capabilities to upgrade our BVRC net experiences for our members.
Here are the descriptions of the upgraded BVRC net experiences you can expect. You can check in up to 30 minutes early if you like! We hope to count you among the check ins next week!
Enjoy these three BVRC Nets Experiences
BVRC has three different net experiences to offer our club members, guests and all fellow hams. Each of these has a unique “flavor” and serves a different purpose. We hope you might stop by for one, but stay for all three!
Bella Vista Radio Club 75 Meters Roundtable – Sundays at 4:00 pm on 3830 HF
Our roundtable experience is always sure to be fun and interesting to say the least. This is a roundtable format where we go around the “table” and chat. Some choose to stick around and chat while others do a quick check in and out. Join the fun! All licensed amateur radio operators General Class and above (and their third-party guests) are welcomed and encouraged to participate.
Ham 101 Net – Tuesdays at 7:00 pm on the SkyWarn Wide Area Repeater System.
A great place for those new to Amateur Radio to ask questions and for operators at all experience levels to share knowledge and experience. The purpose of this net is to encourage ham operators to have fun and help one another with news and technical support. Newly licensed hams are especially welcome. Elmers, bring your skills and prepare to share them with the group. From radios to antennas, these topics and more are covered and explored. This is a great way to increase your ham radio knowledge and explore new areas of the hobby. We especially welcome newcomers to the club and amateur radio, so don’t be shy; click the mic and say hello. Every ham is gladly welcomed!
- 145.310 -600KHz offset with a 103.5 Hz tone, Green Forest, AR.
- 146.865 -600KHz offset with a 103.5 Hz tone, Bentonville, AR.
- 147.315 +600KHz offset with a 97.4 Hz tone, Fayetteville, AR.
- 443.625 +5MHz offset with a 97.4 Hz tone, Huntsville, AR.
BVRC Legacy Club Net – Wednesdays at 7:00 pm on the N5BVA Linked Repeater System.
Our Legacy Club Net is our “on air” home to share club information and provide club members and other amateur radio operators a chance to meet on the air and discuss our weekly topic, practice proper net protocol and exchange information. The mission of this net is to disseminate information about and relating to our club and amateur radio while demonstrating and modeling best practices in Amateur Radio net communications. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcomed and encouraged to stop by and check in!
- 147.255 +600KHz offset with a 162.2 Hz tone, Jane, MO.
- 444.100 +5MHz offset with a 162.2 Hz tone, Springdale, AR.